Sims 4 patreon cc folder
Sims 4 patreon cc folder

<3 As ALSO stated in EA’s T.O.U, EA only allows users redistribution on RELEVANT EA services (The Gallery) & by redistributing content that you did not create on to sites such as Simfileshare, Telegram, mega, media fire, basically anything other than The Sims Gallery (Which is the ONLY relevant EA Service) is also breaking the law and EA’s T.O.U. Don’t even bother coming at me because TELLING YOU NOW.

sims 4 patreon cc folder

If I see something i want to share or convert with others, I will do it. So starting as of today, I no longer give a fuck about your tous or if your patreon content is shared cause you refused to ever release it. I’m sick of the bullshit, I’m sick of the “fuck you, pay me” attitude from content creators as well.

sims 4 patreon cc folder

You don’t get to justify ignoring the rules EA set then bark orders to the rest of this community.

sims 4 patreon cc folder

For too long this community has made up rules/tous to control others while simultaneously ignoring EAs TOU/Eula. Ea can use that content whenever they decide to in their games without permission or cost to you. In other words, you don’t need permission from anyone in the sims community to share, convert, copy, or reupload cc when they are making content for a game they don’t own the rights to! Once they upload that content into the sim’s/EAs game engine, it’s no longer their property. Straight from the horses mouth aka EA themselves! Don’t believe me? then you can read it here for yourself. They got us so scared, to the point we cant share, convert, or do anything they don’t like yet we’re the ones helping them pay their rent, buy food, pay bills etc for content? Ridiculous. the only way this patreon bullshit stops, is when we say enough and stop forking over our hard earned money for 3rd party pixels. They see how ea gets away with it and its rubbed off on them. No body creates for fun anymore, its all about squeezing as much money out of us as much as they can and when they cant, they throw a huge tantrum over it. If it wasn’t for us these people wouldn’t be getting paid, and because we allowed this to go on for so long, its created a shit ton of greed in this community.

sims 4 patreon cc folder

Stop letting the cc creators back you and the rest of the simblr community into a wall.

Sims 4 patreon cc folder